The start of the Museum

1982 - 2018

Created by Anne 5 years ago

Peggy inherited a lot of keepsakes, letters from the early 1900s, china and all manner of interesting items when her last, and probably her favourite,  Aunt at Langton Green died.

She decided to make a museum in one of her bedrooms in her bungalow in Langton Green. She wrote out posters and labels. She had Victorian dressing-table items, a baby's bath-time kit, shaving gear (the cut-throat variety), Victorian and Edwardian clothes and night-gowns, Victorian and Edwardian ornaments, photos...........

She had school-parties and groups of people coming to see it.

The museum moved out to France with her and was set-up lovingly in a bedroom and it was visited by the country-dance group and the French/English language group that she belonged to with Anne.

When Peggy returned to UK she eventually decided to set the museum up again in the High Street in Langton Green when she was by that time 90 years young. Quite a feat.
